Joint Adventure

Joint Adventure

In October I had a young lady join me for a couple of shows. We started with Bancarotti & Friends and then moved on to duets and rock.

Joint Adventure

After a few hours of „apprenticeship“ Yasmine quickly started mastering the art of puppeteering and had our John Doe perform some moves that even I myself had not thought him capable of.

Joint Adventure

We had a lot of fun and a very active audience joining in with enthusiasm.

Joint Adventure
Joint Adventure

Immer wieder stellen wir auch fest, dass unsere plüschigen Gefährten ihren ganzen Charme erst in den Händen junger Nachwuchs-PuppenspielerInnen so richtig entfalten.

Joint Adventure

There is a great puppeteer hidden in so many of you, if you just dare let him out 🙂

Joint Adventure